DB9000-STC How to: How can I access the internal storage and upload tracks?
DB9000-STC has a built-in backup audio player. In case of main audio signal loss it plays tracks from the SD Card storage uploaded over the FTP. An FTP client should be used in order for the internal storage of DB9000-STC to be entered. For further information on the FTP Server Settings, please refer to the Quick user guide.
An important requirement for the MP3 Player configuration is that all MP3 files should be stored in a single folder named Audio. The folder should be located in the root of the SD Card. The playlist file has to be named playlist.m3u. Please note that subfolders are not allowed.
DB9000-STC How to: Why the alternative frequencies (AF) that I have set are not transmitted?
DB9000-STC is controlled trough a build in WEB Server and a standard web browser can be used to monitor its status or to make some adjustments. Once you have accessed the WEB Interface, in order for the needed AF adjustments to be made, go to MPX section, then select AF List subsection and set a number of alternative frequencies. Then, if for example you have specified 3 AFs, the 4th AF should be set as disabled. The disabled AF is considered as the end of the list and AFs after it will not be transmitted. Please note that If AF 1 is "Disabled" the list will NOT be transmitted.
DB9000-STC How to: How can I disable the IP Voice announcement?
DB9000-STC is controlled trough a build in WEB Server and a standard web browser can be used to monitor its status or to make some adjustments. Once you have accessed the WEB Interface, in order for the needed adjustments to be made, go to Configuration section, then select Network subsection and disable the IP Voice announcement.