DB9000-RX Radio Automation Guides downloads

DB9000-RX Radio Automation Guides downloads

JazlerRadioStar 2 is software fully compatible with two devices from DEVA's IP Audio product line: - DB9000-RX - Professional IP Audio Decoder with Stereo and RDS Encoder Module *; - DB9000-STC - Stereo generator & RDS encoder.

* Please note that in order for the DB9000-RX Professional IP Audio Encoder to be able to receive commands from JazlerRadio Star 2, the device should be supplied with the optional Stereo and RDS Encoder Module. If such is not available, the option described below will not be available.

Prior the configuring procedure, check DB9000-RX/STC current firmware version. If the utilized revision is former to 4.0, an update is required. The latest version can be found on www.devabroadcast.com/download.

Jazler RadioStar 2 settings for DB9000-RX and DB9000-STC Set-Up guide download: