DB90-RX - downloads

DB90-RX - downloads

All you need for installing your DB90-RX Application versions, Upgrades & Version history

DB90-RX - IP Audio Decoder

Compact, Multi-purpose, Premium Decoding


The DB90-RX is an integrated client for IP transmitted digital audio signal, designed to support HE-AAC and MPEG-1 Layer 3 compressed audio streams, and PCM uncompressed stream for audio transmission without quality loss. Thanks to the powerful DSP processor, the decoding process is performed in real time and the audio is available at both the digital and the analog outputs.

DB90-RX Latest firmware version v3.6.2110 - 2024-02-06:

DB90-RX Previous firmware version v3.5.1519 - 2017-10-18:

DB90-RX Firmware version history

DB90-RX - IP Audio Decoder User manual downloads - English

The Quick user guide will make the installation of your DEVA Device quick and easy. Applying these principles, you can simplify the process and save yourself extra time and effort. For more information about the Safety precautions and the Operating environment recommendations and all supported features please refer to the User Manual.


DB90-RX Quick user guide download (English):

DB90-RX User manuals download (English):

DB90-RX - IP Audio Decoder User manual downloads - Spanish

The Quick user guide will make the installation of your DEVA Device quick and easy. Applying these principles, you can simplify the process and save yourself extra time and effort. For more information about the Safety precautions and the Operating environment recommendations and all supported features please refer to the User Manual.


DB90-RX Quick user guide download (English):

DB90-RX User manual download (Spanish):

DB90-RX - IP Audio Decoder User manual downloads - Russian

The Quick user guide will make the installation of your DEVA Device quick and easy. Applying these principles, you can simplify the process and save yourself extra time and effort. For more information about the Safety precautions and the Operating environment recommendations and all supported features please refer to the User Manual.


DB90-RX Quick user guide download (Russian):

DB90-RX User manual download (Russian):

DB90-RX - Basic set-up guide manual downloads - English


DB90-RX/TX RTP Point-to-point Set-Up guide download:

DB90-RX/TX Icecast Point-to-point Set-Up guide download:

DB90-RX/TX Point-to-point & Point to multi-point Set-Up guide download: